Kontrastkarten - Babys erstes Spielzeug
Initial equipment

Contrast Cards - Baby's First Toy

This is how your baby's visual development progresses in the first few months of life. Discover practical tips on how you can playfully encourage your baby's sense of sight in everyday life.

Midwife consultationHilfe, wir bekommen Zwillinge!

Help, we're having twins!

Congratulations, you're having twins! This wonderful news can be a huge shock for many parents at first and can cause anxiety. How does a pregnancy with two babies in the belly work? Is a vaginal b...

Midwife consultationVom Wasser ins Wasser - die sanfte Geburt

From water into water - the gentle birth

Water as a protected space for a self-determined birth. Midwife Maria explains to us why there tends to be fewer birth injuries and pain during a water birth. Numerous advantages for mother and chi...

My first year with babyMein Weg zur Hausgeburt

My Path to Home Birth

Jasmin writes about why you don't always have to know the end to dare to begin. What life has in store for us when we trust in ourselves and why true security only comes from within.

My first year with babyZusammen ist man weniger allein

Together you are less alone

Jasmin shares her November thoughts with you, writes about getting help, lockdown mood and what quantum physics has always known: We are all connected!

My first year with babyWie Du das Muttersein nicht nur überlebst, sondern auch genießt

How to not only survive motherhood but also enjoy it

Mom columnist Jasmin makes no secret of the fact that everyday life as a first-time mom can be hard. She gives you her 10 personal survival tips for a mindful and joyful life as a mom.