Contrast cards

Promote your baby's visual and cognitive development

Sale price19,90 €

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Our Naturkind contrast cards are the ideal first toy for your baby. Together with pediatric neurologists, we have developed 28 motifs for babies aged 0-6 months.

Baby's visual development is rapid in the first few months of life. If it can only perceive strong contrasts in black and white after birth, it will be able to recognize shapes and colors after a few months.
The contrast card set can positively support your baby's entire brain development. It promotes attention, brain and eye muscle coordination and, in older babies, hand-eye coordination.

If you talk to your baby while showing him the cards, you are also promoting language development.

The 14 double-sided cards feature simple and more complex motifs for younger and older babies.


The contrast cards can be used as toys at home, in the stroller or in the car.

The contrast card set can positively support your baby's overall brain development. It promotes attention, brain-eye muscle coordination, and hand-eye coordination in older babies.

Kontrastkarten - Babys erstes Spielzeug

Contrast Cards - Baby's First Toy

This is how your baby's visual development progresses in the first few months of life. Discover practical tips on how you can playfully encourage your baby's sense of sight in everyday life.